Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Beginnings

Flagstaff Faith Foundry© Entrance

All Saints Outfitters began in 2002 as a dream. A group of approximately twelve met on a Friday evening and all day Saturday to develop a mission statement and form a Board of Directors. From there, the board developed by-laws and became incorporated as a non-profit educational corporation. We eventually opened a bank account, obtained bookkeeping software, created a logo, developed a worldwide web-presence, and obtained a way to accept credit card payments and donations.

In June, 2003, our eighty-plus prayer supporters engaged in lively email discussion over a period of approximately four weeks about what to name the monastic component. The seminal comment (that came from Jay Akkerman, then living in the Phoenix, AZ area) informed us that:

"[John] Wesley spent much of his ministry in London in an old rented building called "The Foundry" (because it had formerly been a foundry for British cannons in their war with the French). Wesley developed the Foundry as a base of operations from which he launched a wide variety of ministries, including a school, a prison ministry, an alms house, a lending house, and even the first free medical care [in] British history. It was not ornate or polished, as Wesley's New Chapel later became. It was where the Methodists rolled up their sleeves and did the dirty work of ministry." We eventually agreed to call the monastic component "Faith Foundry©."

Husband and wife, Chuck McKinney and Zoe Payne, in 2005 became the caretakers of a condominium that includes an office space, small retreat facility, and living quarters for Chuck and Zoe. They developed and facilitate very successful retreats for many people, including distance-facilitated retreats. The distance-facilitated retreat surprised everyone with its utility and excellence. They also provide spiritual direction for individuals, couples, and groups and facilitate workshops and seminars for diverse groups of all sizes. Chuck produced promotional brochures, a retreat guide booklet, a prayer and meditation guide, and a guide for people wanting to establish a Faith Foundry© retreat space in their home.

Retreat Room

See our website for more information.

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